Music + Worship Ministry
“Great is the Lord,” David reminds us, “and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable” (Psalm 145:3)
Worship matters because we were created to worship our creator and our creator is GREAT, and MAJESTIC, and WORTHY to be praised. In our worship of the Creator we set our mind’s attention and our heart’s passionate love on the LORD – praising and thanking Him for not only what He’s done for us but for WHO HE IS. “Great is the Lord!”
The Music & Worship Ministry of Grace Baptist Church exists to allow us all the avenue by which we can come together and corporately worship our Great God. If you are interested in using your talents through music or the creative arts, we have a place for you!
Check out the information listed here and discover all the areas of service available within the music + worship ministry. If you have any questions please let me know.
Brent Odom Minister of Music + Worship