January 12, 2025
Dear Grace Family and Friends,
I hope you’ve enjoyed a great week! While I’m writing well in advance of today, I feel pretty certain that Leila and I have. We’ve been on the cruise you so graciously provided. I’m thankful for times of “R & R.” The older I get, the more important they become. But I never enjoy missing Sunday Worship away from my Church family. We always try to join you via live stream, and I’m thankful for that technology. Quite a few people tune in every week. But it’s not the same as being here in person. My heart goes out to those who have moved away and can no longer join us in person. I’m equally saddened for those who are physically unable to get here. My prayer is always that The Spirit of God will be with them to the same degree He is here with us in His House. And that’s exactly what this place is; The House of God. While the name of Grace Baptist Church of Evans, Georgia is on the deed, it belongs to Jesus! He has raised it up and His Presence continues to bless us each time we meet. Don’t take that for granted. There are many Churches His Spirit hasn’t visited in decades. We can become one of those “dead Churches” very quickly if we lose sight of our purpose. That is to glorify Almighty God, and His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Always keep that in the forefront of your mind. It will guide you into His Presence. I’m excited about next week as well. We kick off our 33rd Annual January Revival Meeting with Rick Coram. Please be in prayer for these important meetings. Please plan to be here for each service. God has something great in store, and we don’t want to miss it. Thank you for being who you are. I love you with all my heart and I look forward to worshipping with you again very soon. May God Richly Bless You!
Pastor Bill Hilley