From Your Pastor

July 21, 2024

Dear Grace Family and Friends,

I’m hopeful that the events in Pennsylvania this week will usher in an era of civility on the political scene.  For 7 years now we’ve been bombarded by attacks on Donald J. Trump and all who support him.  To say he is a “controversial figure” is an understatement.  A great many believe he is the answer to all our problems.  While I embrace whole-heartedly the policies he put in place while in office, I don’t see him as the savior of our nation.  My prayer is that he’ll recognize the second chance he’s been given at life and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  I know he espouses faith in Jesus, and he may well be a “believer.”  Yet his actions and language produce a great sense of uncertainty within me.  Yet few will ever come as close to death as he did and walk away.  Only the grace of God kept him alive at that rally.  My desire is that he begin to extend grace to others as surely as he has received it.  But it’s easy to criticize folks in Washington even though we’re often guilty of the same kinds of sins.  Isn’t it true that we often entertain “hateful thoughts” about those who have wronged us?  We soothe our conscience because “we kept it to ourselves.”  And make no mistake, it’s better to think it and not say it than to think it and say it.  Yet ungodly thoughts should be equally troubling to us all.  In Matthew 15:19-20, Jesus said, “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.  These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”  We must remember that God knows our thoughts.  When they are hateful or vindictive and unforgiving, it adversely affects our relationship with Him.  So we all need to “check up” to be sure we extend grace to others to the same degree that we have received it.  Doing so will change our world for the glory of God.  And He is the only hope for our great nation.  Do our attitudes and actions exhibit His love?  If not, let’s change that today.  I love you all!  God bless you!




Pastor Bill Hilley