Project Request

This form is for projects/activities/events that have already been approved on the church calendar.

The Communications & Graphic Design Ministry develops and implement strategics communication plans in a variety of media. To further the mission of Grace Baptist Church, we also collaborate on qualifying projects initiated by church members, providing consulting, guidance, project management, and creative services in:

Social Media

This request form is for single, specific, clearly defined projects. Proposed projects need to be focused and thought-out — a single brochure, poster, postcard, webpage, social media account, etc. We have only a limited amount of time to offer, and that time needs to distributed across the many ministries and programs requesting our help. This online form will provide a fair access point for those projects to be considered and queued up.

Also note that not all projects will qualify for time or resources. Assistance and services are provided on an as-can basis, and are contingent upon funding, planning, and time available – so advance planning and lead time are important. We recommend at least one month (or two months if this is a larger print project that will be produced out of house) of lead time for hard deadlines. If we cannot assist you on your project, we can likely offer suggestions on how to move forward with your project on your own.

After you submit your request, you will be contacted as soon as possible for a follow-up discussion. If you have any questions, please contact TK Syfrett at